Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Well it's been along time since I posted anything.  Working long hours at the day job, and making quite a bit of jewelry in the night time has taken its toll on my tired body.  Last thing I want to do most of the time is spend more of limited hours on a computer.......but since I have 3 days off and really only feel like watching football and vegging on the couch, thought I could take the time to blog. 

I was going to make a list of resolutions but WTF......all I ever do is NOT DO any of the things I say I am going to do.  Lose weight, eat healthier, take more walks, play with my dogs more, quit complaining about things I cannot change, etc, etc, etc,.....and then I never seem to do any of these things.  So the only resolution I am going to make this year is to NOT MAKE ANY RESOLUTIONS.  If I want to do something I will do it.  If I don't, then I won't.  It's as simple as that.   Period. 

I am going to finally enroll in a metalsmith class so I can stop stumbling around the bench and learn some techniques of the trade instead of trying to teach myself so I can save money.  My friend Rebecca of Adobe Sol Designs jewelry (whom I have never personally met but just talked to some on the internet) has given me the incentive I need.......after drooling over her beautiful designs every day that she posts something on Facebook.  I guess I cannot continually sit here and "wish I could do that" if I don't finally bite the bullet and learn how to do that.  So I am going to.  No excuses or time, or money.......I just need to make this happen because jewelry is my passion.  And I have so many ideas in my head of what I want to create I just know it will be worth all the time and money to learn properly. 

That and of course I wish for world peace.......!!!!! 

Until next time,

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